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Discover your real home value

Get an accurate estimate using the same source that lenders use.

What is home value?

Your home's value is the price your home might sell for in the current market, as determined by factors like:

  • Size
  • Condition
  • Location
  • Amenities
  • Recent sales of similar homes

This isn't set in stone — it changes over time due to home improvements, market trends, and local developments.

A House

Why is home value important?

If you're considering selling, it helps set a realistic price. For those thinking about home equity products, like a home equity loan, HELOC, cash-out refi, reverse mortgage, or home equity investment, your home's value impacts how much you cash could access. It's a vital piece of information for smart financial planning and decision-making.

Did you know?

Median home prices in the United States

+ 32%since 2020, when it was $329,000.

$436,800average home price.

586%between 1980 and 2023.

Source: St. Louis Fed (2023). Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States.